Development and characterization of neural network-based multianalyte delta checks
Original Article

Development and characterization of neural network-based multianalyte delta checks

Christopher R. Jackson, Mark A. Cervinski

Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, USA

Contributions: (I) Conception and design: CR Jackson; (II) Administrative support: MA Cervinski; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: MA Cervinski; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: All authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

Correspondence to: Christopher R. Jackson, MD. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH 03756, USA. Email:

Background: In laboratory medicine, mislabeled specimens (MLS) are pre-analytical errors where a tube of blood is given the wrong patient ID. When pre-analytical methods fail to catch these errors, post-analytical methods are employed to identify MLS. Inspired by delta checks, we employed neural networks to create a variety of novel algorithms aimed to detect MLS. In this approach, the neural networks evaluate the analytical results from two different time points to determine if they belong to the same patient.

Methods: Raw analytical data was collected from clinical practice. Analytes were grouped by patient and collection time, and groups of specimens were linked to create a dataset of properly labeled specimen pairs. The data was processed to simulate MLS by reassigning the second set of analytes to a different patient. In one approach, neural networks were created where both groups of analytes were set panels [e.g., basic metabolic panels (BMP) or comprehensive metabolic panels (CMP)]. In a second approach, neural networks were created where the groups of analytes could consist of any combination of analytes. For both approaches, different neural networks were created for different ranges of time-deltas, and these were evaluated using receiver operator characteristics curve analysis. The performance of each neural network was compared to the current delta check strategy used at our institution.

Results: The best performing neural network was the one that compared analytical results from CMPs for time-deltas <1.5 days. This achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.994 and significantly outperformed the classic delta check methods. The best performing open neural network achieved an AUC of 0.964 when 13 analytes were used time deltas <1.5 days.

Conclusions: The implementation of machine learning-based protocols to detect MLS with fewer false-positive errors may have a dramatic impact on patient care and health care costs.

Keywords: Neural network; delta check; machine learning; mislabeled specimen (MLS)

Received: 14 February 2020; Accepted: 16 March 2020; Published: 20 April 2020.

doi: 10.21037/jlpm.2020.02.03


In laboratory medicine, mislabeled specimens (MLS) are pre-analytical errors where blood from one patient is given an ID label from a different patient. These errors are estimated to occur in between 0.03 to 17 specimens per 1000 specimens collected (1-4). It is likely that the lower estimates may be falsely low due to the difficulty in identifying these errors in clinical practice. When MLS are not detected, they can place one or both patients at risk of harm as clinical decisions are carried out based on incorrect data. MLS are estimated to cost 280,000 USD per million specimens collected, and cause 160,000 adverse medical events per year in the United States (5).

Pre-analytical solutions have been relatively successful at reducing the number of MLS. In one study, the implementation of barcode labels with bedside printers reduced the number of MLS by 92% (6). In a multi-institutional survey, MLS were noted to occur significantly less frequently in institutions with ongoing quality monitoring systems for specimen identification, and in institutions with 24/7 inpatient phlebotomy service (3). One approach to reducing MLS is to give patients identifying wristbands, but wristband errors can result in downstream MLS error. To reduce the number of wristband errors, the College of American Pathologists performed a study involving 217 institutions where phlebotomists were tasked with continuously evaluating patient wristbands for error. This strategy reduced wristband errors from 7.40% to 3.05% (7).

In cases where pre-analytical strategies fail, post-analytical methods to detect MLS have been developed. Delta checks are one such system and are widely used due to the low cost of implementation. In this method, patients’ analytical test results from two different time points are compared. If the value change exceeds a pre-determined threshold, the results are flagged and either reviewed, repeated, or the specimen is recollected (8). Multiple strategies using this framework have been implemented. Thresholds, for example, can be applied to the absolute change in value (current result minus the previous result), or a relative change in value (current result divided by the previous result). Change velocities (change in value divided by the difference in collection time) can also be used. No standard acceptable tolerances have been established, although median values have been reported (8). Despite widespread implementation of delta-checks in clinical laboratories, the value of this strategy is questionable. Receiver operator characteristics curve (ROC) analysis has shown that the best performing delta check was for mean corpuscular volume (MCV) which only achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.90 (9). In one analysis, multiple analytes were combined and a weighted cumulative delta check was implemented. Although this model achieved promising results with a maximum AUC of 0.98 (10), the same data was used to both generate and test their model, introducing a significant source of potential bias.

Recently, delta checks were revisited using machine learning techniques. An AUC of 0.97 was achieved using a support vector machines (SVM) method (11), showing that a better performance could be achieved as compared logistical regression (AUC =0.92). Despite their achievement, the researchers limited their analysis to a rigid panel of 11 analytes, and only examined specimens collected within 36 hours of one another. This restrictive approach likely meant that only a small minority of all the blood-specimens collected at their institution could be evaluated by their model. Although they compared their method to a weighted logistical regression model, these were also limited to the same 11 analytes as their SVM method, even if more tests were actually performed.

To expand and improve upon previous work, we devised two novel machine learning methods to identify MLS using neural networks. In one approach, the results from rigid analyte panels were used to identify MLS. In the second approach, neural networks were created that were not limited to a specific panel of analytes, but instead could be given any combination of analytes. For both approaches, different neural networks were created and evaluated for different ranges of time deltas. The performance of each neural network was compared directly to the current delta check strategy used at our institution.


Data processing

A MatLab code was created to automate all data processing, and to create and test all neural networks. MATLAB R2018b (MathWorks, version, Natick, Massachusetts, USA) was used.


All analytical test results performed on our automated core chemistry and immunoassay analyzers at our institution between 4/12/2012 to 1/30/2014 (1.8 years) were collected. All patient medical record numbers were de-identified via assignment of unique numeric codes that were not tied to the original numbers. The complete list of analytical tests is shown in Table S1. The test results were sorted by patient and time of collection, and bundled with all other test results from the same patient that were collected at the same time (Figure 1A). A total of 4,119,977 analytical tests from 122,433 patients over 462,998 unique time points were obtained. Test-bundles with less than 5 analytes were discarded from the set.

Figure 1 Analytical test results were assembled and sorted by patient and by time of specimen collection. All test results for a single patient at a single time point were grouped into a test-bundle (A). Test-bundles were then linked to other test-bundles from the same patient to create a set of properly-labeled-specimen-pairs (PLSP) (B). Mislabeled specimen pairs were then simulated by reassigning the second test-bundle in the PLSP to a different patient (C). The PLSP and MLSP were then randomly assigned to a training set, validation set, and test set (D). The neural networks consisted of 20 layers (E), the last layer being an output classification layer (PLSP vs. MLSP). The input layer consisted of the analytical test results from specimen pairs ([A1,t1], [A1,t2], [A2,t1], [A2,t2],…[An,t2]), along with the time between specimen collection, Δt (F).

Combinations of two test-bundles from a single patient were linked to create properly-labeled-specimen-pairs (PLSP) (Figure 1B). Every possible combination was produced, and the time between each linked pair was recorded. The delta time, Δt, is the time difference between two collection times:

Δt = tB-tA

where tA and tB are the first and second time points. PLSP with a Δt greater than 10 days were discarded from the dataset.

Mislabeled specimen simulation

Mislabeled-specimen-pairs (MLSP) were created by randomly reassigning the analytical test results from the second time point to a different patient (Figure 1C). Test-bundles were always reassigned to different patients that had the same set of analytes performed. In cases where there were insufficient unique patients to reassign the test results to a different patient, both the MLSP and corresponding PLSP were discarded. A total of 481,956 PLSP and MLSP (963,912 pairs in total) were created in this manner, spanning 18,886 patients. 80% of the specimen-pairs (771,128 pairs) were randomly assigned to a master-training set, while 10% (96,392 pairs) each were assigned to a validation set and a test set (Figure 1D). The data sets were then divided into five groups depending on their Δt: <1.5, 1.5–2.5, 2.5–3.5, 3.5–5, and 5–10 days.

Neural networks were created to predict if specimen-pairs were PLSP or MLSP using different methodologies described below.

Panel neural networks (PNN)

PNN were created to detect MLS when the same panel was ordered at two time points. All analytes that were not in the panels were discarded for this analysis. Specimen pairs that did not have the full panel were likewise discarded. The panels that were evaluated included the basic metabolic panel (BMP), the comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), the renal function panel (RFP), and the liver function panel (LFP). Analytes for each panel are listed in Table 1, while the number of specimen pairs used to train, validate, and test each PNN are shown in Table S2, along with neural network training parameters.

Table 1

Analytes within each panel

Panel name Analytes
Basic metabolic panel (BMP) Na, K, Cl, CO2, BUN, CRE, GLUC, Ca
Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) Na, K, Cl, CO2, BUN, CRE, GLUC, Ca, ALKP, ALT, AST, TBILI, TP, ALB
Hepatic function panel (HFP) ALKP, ALT, AST, ALB, TBILI, DBILI, TP
Renal function panel (RFP) Na, K, Cl, CO2, BUN, CRE, GLUC, Ca, ALB, PHOS

ALB, albumin; ALKP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CA, calcium; CL, chloride; CO2, bicarbonate; CRE, creatinine; DBILI, direct bilirubin; GLUC, glucose; K, potassium; NA, sodium; PHOS, phosphorus; TBILI, total bilirubin; TP, total protein.

The prototypical neural network architecture is shown in Figure 1E, and the prototypical input layer is shown in Figure 1F. In brief, the input layer was an (N+1)×4 matrix, where N is the number of analytes in the test-panel. The first N columns each correspond to a different analyte. The first row was populated with the analytes from the first time-point, while the second row was populated with the analytes from the second time point. The third row was populated with the absolute change in value between the two time points (current result minus the previous result), while the fourth row was populated by the relative change in value (current result divided by the previous result). The cell in row 1 of the final column (column N+1) was populated by Δt in days, while cells in rows 2, 3, and 4 in the final column were left as 0. The PNNs were trained between 20 and 100 epochs each. Ten PNNs were created for each panel and for each group of Δt ranges in order to perform statistical analysis.

Open-ended neural networks (ONN)

ONN were created to detect MLS regardless of what tests were ordered at either time point. For these networks, the data sets were separated based on the number of analytes ordered at the second time point. The specimen pair data was thus divided into three groups: group 1 (5 to 8 analytes tested at the second time-point), group 2 (9 to 12 analytes), and group 3 (13 or more analytes). The number of analytical tests performed at the first time point did not affect what category the specimen pair was placed in. Likewise, the same analytes did not need to be ordered at both time points in the specimen pair. The number of specimen pairs used to train, validate, and test each ONN are shown in Table S2, along with neural network training parameters.

The structure for the ONNs is similar to that of the PNNs. The difference between the approaches was in the input layer, which consisted of a 131×4 matrix. The first 130 columns either corresponded to different analytes, or was left blank (assigned a value of zero). Similar to PNNs, the first row corresponded to the value at the first time point, the second row corresponded to the value at the second time point, the third row corresponded to the absolute change in value, and the fourth row corresponded to the relative change in value. When an analyte was not tested at a given time-point, that column was left as zero. When an analyte was only tested at the first time point and not at the second time point, row 1 was populated with the test result, and rows 2, 3, and 4 were left as zero. Similarly, when an analyte was only tested at the second time point and not the first, row 2 was populated with the result and rows 1, 3 and 4 were left as zero.

Similar to PNNs, for ONNs, the cell in the first row of the final column (column 131) was populated by Δt in days, while cells in rows 2, 3, and 4 of the final column were set to zero. The ONNs were trained between 20 and 100 epochs each. Ten ONNs were created for each panel and for each group of Δt ranges for statistical analysis.

Statistical analysis

ROC analysis was performed for each neural network using the PLSP and MLSP categories as the gold standard, and the neural network output score as the analyte. The AUC was calculated for each neural network. The sensitivity and specificity were obtained for the optimal operating point (OOP) on the ROC curve as calculated by the MATLAB perfcurve function that relies on a previously described cost-function curve analysis (12). The specificity was also calculated for each neural network at the points where the sensitivities reached 50% and 80%. A positive predictive value (PPV) was calculated assuming a mislabeled-specimen frequency of 1 in 200 (0.5%). This was performed for the OOP, as well as at the points where the sensitivities were set to 50% and 80%. Neural networks performance metrics are reported as mean ± standard deviation.

Classic delta checks

The data sets used to test the PNNs and ONNs were also evaluated using the classic delta check limits used at our institution. Classic delta check limits were derived from reference change limit calculations and can be viewed in Table S1. In order to properly compare the two methods, the classic delta checks were applied to all analytes that were performed at both time points in the specimen pairs. For the PNNs, analytes that were not in a given panel were still included in the classic delta check analysis. The number of times each test was ordered in our cohort, and the mean and standard deviation change over the course of 1.5 days are described in Table S1. The PPVs for each PNN and ONN test set were calculated using the classic delta checks.


ROC analysis

ROC analysis was applied to all neural networks. The mean AUCs for all the neural networks are compiled in Figure 2 and listed in Table S3. The best performing neural network was the CMP PNN for Δt <1.5 days, which achieved an AUC of 0.994±0.001. The CMP neural networks were the best performing of all neural networks, maintaining an AUC above 0.95 even for the 5 to 10 day Δt. The HPF PNNs were the second best performing PNNs, the BMP PNNs were third, and the RFP PNNs were fourth. In general, the ONNs performed similar to or worse than the PNNs. Performance in the ONNs improved as the number of test-analytes increased. In general, both PNNs and ONNs with low Δt performed best, and performance decreased as the Δt increased.

Figure 2 Area under the curve (AUC) results for the neural networks generated from the receiver operator characteristics curve (ROC) analysis. The basic metabolic panel (BMP), comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), hepatic function panel (HFP) and renal function panel (RFP) were all assessed by panel neural networks (PNN). The 5–8, 9–12, and ≥13 analyte protocols were all assessed by open neural network (ONN).

Sensitivity and specificity analysis

The sensitivities, specificities, and PPVs are shown for the PNNs and the ONNs in Tables S4 and S5, respectively. PNN results are shown in Figure 3, while the ONN results are shown in Figure 4. Similar to the AUC values, sensitivity and specificity generally decreased as the Δt increased. The CMP PNN with a Δt of <1.5 days had the highest OOP sensitivity and specificity which were 98.4% and 96.4% respectively. When sensitivities were set to 50%, the specificities for the CMP PNNs were all in excess of 99.4% regardless of the Δt. These additionally had PPVs greater than 29% for all time periods when a 0.5% MLSP frequency was assumed. The PPVs for the CMP PNNs with Δt <1.5 days and 1.5 to 2.5 days were both greater than 68%, however, these groups each represent less than 1% of the total specimen pairs. Although the BMP PNN with Δt <1.5 days had a smaller PPV (41.7%), this neural network covers a much larger proportion of all the specimen pairs (19.3%).

Figure 3 Panel neural network (PNN) results. Sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), and positive predictive values (PPV) for a MLS frequency of 0.5% (1 in 200) for the various panel neural networks (PNN). BMP, basic metabolic panel; CMP, comprehensive metabolic panel; HFP, hepatic function panel; OOP, optimal operating point; RFP, renal function panel; Sn, sensitivity; Sp, specificity.
Figure 4 Open neural network results. Sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), and positive predictive values (PPV) for a MLS frequency of 0.5% (1 in 200) for the various open neural networks (ONN). OOP, optimal operating point; Sn, sensitivity; Sp, specificity.

For the ONN, when sensitivity was set to 50%, only the 13-analyte ONN with a Δt <1.5 days had a specificity that exceeded 99% (actual value =99.5%), which resulted in a PPV of 17.6%.

The classic delta checks were highly sensitive in identifying MLSPs, but their specificities were lower than all the neural networks at the OOP. When classic delta checks were evaluated on the panel data sets, the highest PPV achieved was 1.7% for the BMP data set with a Δt <1.5 days. The highest PPV achieved using the classic delta checks in the open data sets was 1.9% for the 5–8 analyte data set with a Δt <1.5 days.


Neural networks were created to identify MLS. Using this method, the best AUC achieved was 0.994±0.001 for a CMP PNN with Δt <1.5 days. This study improves upon previous work by increasing the maximum AUC achieved in detecting mislabeled specimen (11). We additionally created neural networks designed to detect MLS when alternative panels were performed, namely BMPs, RFPs, and HFPs. We compared this strategy to an unrestricted approach, where any analyte could be used at either time point. These ONNs were less accurate than the PNNs at detecting MLS, however their flexibility may have some niche applications.

Although the BMP PNN only produced a PPV of 41.7% with a sensitivity of 50%, it is worth highlighting the magnitude of difference in PPV of the PNN when compared to the classic delta checks. The BMP PNN had a 24-fold improvement in PPV when compared to the classic delta checks which had a maximum PPV of 1.7% using the same BMP analytes, though at the sacrifice of sensitivity. The low PPV is in part due to an overly-sensitive classic delta check strategy, which increased both the true-positive rates as well as the false positive rates. A high false positive rate diverts laboratory resources and can become costly to investigate MLS. The analytical tests often need to be repeated, there can be additional blood loss incurred due to the necessity of repeating phlebotomy, and laboratory personnel need to spend time reviewing and analysing the error. The implementation of machine learning-based protocols to detect MLS with fewer false-positive errors may have a dramatic impact on patient care and health care costs, and require little-to-no monetary investment.

One of the strengths and limitations of our study was that pre-existing clinical data obtained from our middleware system was utilized. Using pre-existing data, rather than simulated data, allowed for the direct analysis of realistic scenarios in which the blood-in-tube of the MLS sample could come from any random patient. The limitation of this strategy is that undetected MLS were likely present in the raw data, and these were miscategorized as PLSP in the training and test sets. The effect of undetected MLS pairs in our training and test sets would be expected to have decreased the performance and lowered the AUC of the PNNs and ONNs.

Neural networks and other machine learning strategies have clear advantages over conventional classic delta checks, but these should be implemented with caution due to a number of practical limitations. The algorithms typically generate a “black box” approach to error detection which needs to be evaluated empirically. The strategy relies heavily on the use of contemporary clinical data to train the algorithm. The frequency by which new data must be collected and new neural networks must be trained needs to be established.

Finally, the implementation of machine learning based MLS-detection protocols requires a dedicated understanding of rapidly evolving artificial intelligent technologies. Given the demonstration of improved performance of these protocols over the classic delta checks, laboratory information systems and middleware vendors must be pressed to develop software that can utilize these tools in real-time.

Table S1

Characterization of test analytes

Analyte Abbreviation Number of tests Test pairs Units Classic strategy
N pairs with Δt <1.5 days Absolute change (mean +/− SD) Relative change (mean +/− SD) Threshold Absolute vs. relative
Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH 97,125 128 0.23±2.39 1.15±0.71 mcIU/mL 1 R
Thyroxine T4 4,453 12 −0.30±1.21 0.980±0.083 ng/dL 1 R
Free thyroxine FREE T4 20,156 37 0.157±0.494 1.09±0.25 mcg/dL None
Triiodothyronine T3Q 3,509 26 24.9±69.3 1.24±0.49 pg/mL 0.3 R
T-uptake TUP 1,131 3 0.0073±0.0481 1.01±0.060 Ratio 0.25 R
Estradiol E2 2,705 0 pg/mL None
Testosterone TSTO 3,556 0 ng/mL None
Prolactin PROLAC 2,571 1 –1.73±0 0.858±0 ng/mL None
Progesterone PROGEST 638 0 ng/mL None
Total bilirubin TBILI 151,747 8,982 −0.04±1.21 1.09±0.47 mg/dL 0.75 R
Luteinizing hormone LH 1,569 0 mIU/mL None
Follicle stimulating hormone FSH 2,978 0 mIU/mL None
Cortisol CORT 2,802 69 0.3±10.7 1.29±1.40 mcg/dL None
High density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL 93,934 32 0.16±3.15 1.01±0.09 mg/dL None
Troponin T CTNT 10,182 2,339 −0.24±2.89 1.00±0.84 ng/mL 0.5 A
L-lactate LLACT 12,053 6,360 0.57±1.90 1.46±0.94 mmol/L 0.5 R
Carcinoembryonic antigen CEA 1,002 0 ng/mL None
Prostate specific antigen PSA 16,183 5 −2.32±5.25 1.04±0.11 ng/mL None
Creatine phosphokinase CPK 31,573 6,520 −30±2180 1.19±0.76 U/L 0.75 R
Ferritin FERRI 14,633 9 −14.1±39.6 0.979±0.234 ng/mL None
Lactate dehydrogenase LDH 2,335 165 −145±686 1.10±0.68 U/L 0.9 R
Pro B-type natriuretic peptide PROBNP 6,693 83 460±4740 1.07±0.47 pg/mL None
Vitamin B12 B12 14,068 6 −26±187 1.00±0.16 pg/mL None
folate, serum S FOLATE 5,888 4 0.815±1.72 1.10±0.20 ng/mL 1 R
urine protein U Prot 3,208 1 74.0±0 3.85±0 g/24 hrs None
human chorionic gonadotropin HCG 5,524 1 −61.2±0 0.685±0 mIU/mL None
alkaline phosphatase ALKP 151,745 8,914 3.6±46.8 1.04±0.22 U/L 0.7 R
High sensitivity C-reactive protein HSCRP 21,555 90 27.7±78.0 1.67±2.58 mg/L None
Beta-hydroxybutyrate BOHB 809 513 0.97±2.10 5.8±17.8 mmol/L None
Albumin ALB 155,262 9,162 0.080±0.379 1.03±0.15 g/dL 0.3 R
Rheumatoid factor RF 4,324 0 IU/mL None
Acetaminophen ACAM 138 14 48.1±75.8 9.23±8.66 mg/L None
Blood urea nitrogen BUN 285,912 113,112 0.92±7.41 1.09±0.36 mg/dL 0.6 R
Urine urea nitrogen U UREA 593 5 19.8±258 1.37±0.84 g/24 hrs None
Total cholesterol CHOL 94,742 38 10.2±38.2 1.05±0.14 mg/dL 0.3 R
Bicarbonate CO2 288,534 119,059 −0.30±2.87 0.993±0.140 mmol/L 0.5 R
Ammonia AMON 1,733 78 11.1±50.8 1.28±0.73 mcmol/L 1 R
Gamma glutamyl transferase GGT 1,123 1 1±0 1.2±0 U/L 0.55 R
Amylase AMY 4,531 450 44±182 1.21±0.49 U/L 0.75 R
Direct bilirubin DBILI 149,189 7,807 −0.011±0.789 1.12±0.58 mg/dL 0.75 R
Iron IRON 11,867 22 1.43±8.82 1.03±0.21 mcU/dL None
Total protein TP 152,787 8,826 0.146±0.626 1.03±0.12 g/dL 0.3 R
Alanine aminotransferase ALT 156,572 8,571 4±292 1.08±0.37 U/L 0.8 R
Aspartate aminotransferase AST 156,583 8,147 16±377 2.7±99.3 U/L 0.8 R
Magnesium MG 42,159 24,722 −0.009±0.132 0.997±0.174 mmol/L 0.5 R
Urine magnesium U MG 50 1 0.88±0 1.378±0 mmol/L None
Uric acid URIC 6,066 334 0.18±1.46 1.13±0.92 mg/dL 0.5 R
Uric acid, urine U URIC 80 0 g/24 hrs None
Ethanol ETOH 2,403 19 1530±1270 278±909 mg/L None
Calcium CA 264,544 103,280 0.008±0.546 1.00±0.07 mg/dL 0.1 R
Urine calcium U CA 395 0 mg/24 hrs None
Phosphorus PHOS 30,784 18,717 0.04±1.08 1.06±0.49 mg/dL 0.8 R
Urine phosphorus U PHOS 102 0 mg/dL None
Lipase LIPA 9,099 693 86±528 1.56±1.87 U/L 0.75 R
Glucose GLUC 292,116 108,102 7.2±61.6 1.09±0.44 mg/dL 1.6 R
Creatinine CRE 291,889 111,619 0.061±0.463 1.07±0.46 mg/dL 0.8 A
Urine creatinine UCRE RAN 19,497 9 17.4±61.3 1.54±1.16 mg/dL None
Salicylate SALI 146 15 114±112 50.5±99.5 mg/L None
Triglyceride TRIG 90,779 76 65±267 1.14±0.54 mg/L 0.75 R
Unsaturated iron binding capacity UIBC 11,317 19 0.2±16.6 0.968±0.155 mcg/dL 0.4 R
Sodium NA 310,234 122,406 −0.19±3.25 0.999±0.023 mmol/L 8 A
Potassium K+ 309,187 119,008 0.026±0.540 1.01±0.14 mmol/L 1 A
Chloride CL 310,390 122,609 −0.49±4.02 0.996±0.038 mmol/L 8 A
Haptoglobin HAPTO 727 22 −24.4±22.3 0.853±0.558 mg/dL None
Immunoglobulin A IGA 4,243 4 26.3±34.5 1.05±0.06 mg/dL None
Immunoglobulin M IGM 1,944 3 4.3±10.5 1.07±0.12 mg/dL None
Carbamazepine CARB 974 4 0.370±0.940 1.03±0.10 % COHB None
Digoxin DGXN 849 16 −0.054±0.438 1.02±0.33 mcg/L None
Immunoglobulin G IGG 2,353 3 25.0±71 1.037±0.078 mg/dL None
Phenobarbital PHENOB 415 33 −1.19±4.93 0.968±0.174 mg/L None
Phenytoin DPH 977 58 −0.50±5.17 0.950±0.329 mg/L None
Theophylline THEO 61 0 mg/L None
Lithium LITH 1,163 13 0.170±0.388 1.49±1.04 mmol/L 0.3 R
Valproic acid VALP 1,913 47 −3.4±20.3 1.04±0.61 mg/L None
C4 complement C4 1,573 1 1.00±0 1.06±0 mg/dL None
Prealbumin PRE ALB 4,152 41 0.71±3.78 1.09±0.33 mg/dL None
Direct low density lipoprotein cholesterol DLDL 8,400 1 0.00±0 1.00±0 mg/dL None
Urine albumin UALB 17,694 0 mg/24 hrs 0.9 R
C3 complement C3 1,464 1 13.0±0 1.19±0 mg/dL None
Gentamicin peak GENT P 58 0 mg/L None
Gentamicin 6–14 hours post-dose GENT LVL 6 - 14 POST DOSE 29 0 mg/L None
Gentamicin trough GENT T 90 2 −0.28±1.80 1.30±1.15 mg/L None
Tobramycin, peak TOBRA P 34 0 mg/L None
Tobramycin TOBRA 182 3 −0.570±0.450 0.481±0.325 mg/L None
Tobramycin, through TOBRA T 83 0 mg/L None
Vancomycin, peak VANC P 34 0 mg/L None
Vancomycin, trough VANC T 4,587 78 −0.57±8.45 1.01±0.44 mg/L None
Urine sodium U NA 2,649 18 −23.2±23.3 0.530±0.350 mmol/L None
Urine potassium UK 2,561 17 −15.9±35.9 0.941±0.740 mmol/L None
Urine chloride U CL 2,587 18 −32.1± 37.3 0.543±0.363 mmol/L None
Kappa free light chains Kap 260 0 None
Lambda free light chains Lam 260 0 None
Alpha fetoprotein AFP 876 0 ng/mL None
Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody CCP 246 0 U/mL None
Cancer antigen 125 CA 125 309 0 U/mL None
Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 CA 19-9 125 0 U/mL None
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate DHEAS 145 0 mcg/dL None
Homocysteine Homocyst T 198 0 mcmol/L None
Insulin Insulin 144 0 mcU/mL None
Hepatitis A total antibody HepA 1 0 None
Hepatitis B surface antibody HepB sAb 18 0 IU/L None
Parathyroid hormone PTH 4,613 12 12.0±40.9 1.18±0.23 pg/mL None
Beta-2-microglobulin B2MG 44 0 mg/L None
Alpha 1 antitrypsin A1AT 285 0 mg/dL None
Ceruloplasmin Cerulopl 353 0 mg/dL None
Free triiodothyronine Free T3 72 0 pg/mL None

A, absolute change; N, number; R, relative change; SD, standard deviation.

Table S2

Characterization of training, validation, and testing data sets, along with training parameters, for all neural networks

Neural network type Δt range (days) Dataset sizes Training data
Train Validation Test Total % of specimen pairs Batches/iteration Iteration drop Epochs
PNN-BMP <1.5 148,480 18,818 18,824 186,122 19.3 300 4 20
PNN-BMP 1.5–2.5 94,830 11,868 11,512 118,210 12.3 300 4 20
PNN-BMP 2.5–3.5 73,594 9,210 9,202 92,006 9.5 300 4 20
PNN-BMP 3.5–5 86,744 10,900 10,932 108,576 11.3 300 4 20
PNN-BMP 5–10 193,874 24,414 24,294 242,582 25.2 300 4 20
PNN-CMP <1.5 8,014 1,076 1,030 10,120 1.0 40 20 80
PNN-CMP 1.5–2.5 5,378 696 618 6,692 0.7 40 20 80
PNN-CMP 2.5–3.5 4,192 530 498 5,220 0.5 40 20 80
PNN-CMP 3.5–5 4,768 640 622 6,030 0.6 40 20 80
PNN-CMP 5–10 10,810 1,344 1,374 13,528 1.4 40 20 80
PNN-HFP <1.5 10,404 1,352 1,384 13,140 1.4 40 20 80
PNN-HFP 1.5–2.5 6,664 862 808 8,334 0.9 40 20 80
PNN-HFP 2.5–3.5 5,168 662 638 6,468 0.7 40 20 80
PNN-HFP 3.5–5 5,996 782 816 7,594 0.8 40 20 80
PNN-HFP 5–10 13,906 1,710 1,702 17,318 1.8 40 20 80
PNN-RFP <1.5 2,050 274 288 2,612 0.3 10 20 100
PNN-RFP 1.5–2.5 1,460 188 152 1,800 0.2 10 20 100
PNN-RFP 2.5–3.5 1,110 168 148 1,426 0.1 10 20 100
PNN-RFP 3.5–5 1,302 188 176 1,666 0.2 10 20 100
PNN-RFP 5–10 2,478 328 284 3,090 0.3 10 20 100
ONN, 5–8 analytes <1.5 110,236 13,756 13,776 137,768 14.3 100 4 40
ONN, 5–8 analytes 1.5–2.5 66,002 8,226 8,152 82,380 8.5 100 4 40
ONN, 5–8 analytes 2.5–3.5 49,664 6,198 6,284 62,146 6.4 100 4 40
ONN, 5–8 analytes 3.5–5 57,074 7,094 7,174 71,342 7.4 100 4 40
ONN, 5–8 analytes 5–10 124,404 15,522 15,448 155,374 16.1 100 4 40
ONN, 9–12 analytes <1.5 66,962 8,344 8,622 83,928 8.7 100 4 40
ONN, 9–12 analytes 1.5–2.5 40,824 5,080 4,926 50,830 5.3 100 4 40
ONN, 9–12 analytes 2.5–3.5 32,744 3,986 3,960 40,690 4.2 100 4 40
ONN, 9–12 analytes 3.5–5 39,736 5,040 5,036 49,812 5.2 100 4 40
ONN, 9–12 analytes 5–10 88,750 11,252 11,074 111,076 11.5 100 4 40
ONN, ≥13 analytes <1.5 22,696 2,914 2,954 28,564 3.0 100 4 40
ONN, ≥13 analytes 1.5–2.5 13,506 1,768 1,638 16,912 1.8 100 4 40
ONN, ≥13 analytes 2.5–3.5 11,296 1,416 1,384 14,096 1.5 100 4 40
ONN, ≥13 analytes 3.5–5 13,796 1,730 1,784 17,310 1.8 100 4 40
ONN, ≥13 analytes 5–10 33,434 4,066 4,178 41,678 4.3 100 4 40

BMP, basic metabolic panel; CMP, complete metabolic panel; HFP, hepatic function panel; ONN, open neural network; PNN, panel neural network; RFP, renal function panel.

Table S3

Area under the curve (AUC) obtained from receiver operator characteristics curve (ROC) analysis

Δt range (days) PNN AUC ONN AUC
BMP CMP HFP RFP 5–8 analytes 9–12 analytes ≥13 analytes
<1.5 0.966±0.004 0.994±0.001 0.989±0.001 0.943±0.009 0.911±0.012 0.935±0.004 0.964±0.002
1.5–2.5 0.932±0.011 0.980±0.003 0.968±0.002 0.902±0.007 0.870±0.018 0.869±0.008 0.920±0.010
2.5–3.5 0.894±0.018 0.967±0.004 0.950±0.006 0.876±0.020 0.830±0.014 0.833±0.012 0.871±0.013
3.5–5 0.859±0.020 0.953±0.007 0.930±0.006 0.831±0.008 0.802±0.011 0.795±0.014 0.845±0.006
5–10 0.862±0.007 0.954±0.004 0.928±0.005 0.827±0.011 0.805±0.018 0.799±0.018 0.829±0.005

BMP, basic metabolic panel; CMP, complete metabolic panel; HFP, hepatic function panel; ONN, open neural network; PNN, panel neural network; RFP, renal function panel.

Table S4

Panel neural networks (PNN) performance

Panel Δt range (days) OOP Sn set to 0.5 Sn set to 0.8 Classic
BMP <1.5 89.6 91.4 4.9 50.0 99.7 41.7 80.0 96.6 10.7 91.3 74.0 1.7
BMP 1.5–2.5 84.0 87.4 3.2 50.0 98.7 15.9 80.0 90.5 4.0 91.1 57.2 1.1
BMP 2.5–3.5 78.5 83.6 2.3 50.0 97.0 7.6 80.0 81.7 2.1 90.1 47.0 0.8
BMP 3.5–5 75.4 79.3 1.8 50.0 94.9 4.7 80.0 73.9 1.5 91.5 39.8 0.8
BMP 5–10 75.8 80.6 1.9 50.0 94.8 4.6 80.0 75.5 1.6 91.5 31.9 0.7
CMP <1.5 98.4 96.4 12.1 50.0 99.9 68.1 80.0 99.4 39.2 99.6 61.4 1.3
CMP 1.5–2.5 92.3 94.3 7.5 50.0 100 100 80.0 99.0 28.5 99.0 37.2 0.8
CMP 2.5–3.5 90.8 92.9 6.0 50.0 99.6 36.1 80.0 97.7 14.7 100 26.5 0.7
CMP 3.5–5 86.0 91.4 4.8 50.0 99.7 46.4 80.0 94.2 6.4 99.7 19.3 0.6
CMP 5–10 89.3 88.5 3.7 50.0 99.4 29.0 80.0 93.8 6.1 99.4 20.1 0.6
HFP <1.5 96.4 95.0 8.9 50.0 99.8 61.1 80.0 99.0 28.1 99.3 61.4 1.3
HFP 1.5–2.5 89.4 92.9 6.0 50.0 99.9 66.8 80.0 97.6 14.4 99.3 37.4 0.8
HFP 2.5–3.5 88.7 89.9 4.2 50.0 99.1 21.6 80.0 94.1 6.4 99.7 26.6 0.7
HFP 3.5–5 84.5 87.1 3.2 50.0 98.8 17.2 80.0 89.5 3.7 99.5 19.1 0.6
HFP 5–10 85.5 84.7 2.7 50.0 98.6 15.5 80.0 88.7 3.4 98.6 21.3 0.6
RFP <1.5 90.9 85.9 3.1 50.0 97.9 10.7 80.0 91.0 4.2 99.3 59.0 1.2
RFP 1.5–2.5 80.3 89.1 3.5 50.0 98.7 16.0 80.0 85.3 2.6 100 42.1 0.9
RFP 2.5–3.5 84.5 82.0 2.3 50.0 93.2 3.6 80.0 82.7 2.3 100 17.6 0.6
RFP 3.5–5 70.7 83.4 2.1 50.0 94.5 4.4 80.0 68.1 1.2 100 14.8 0.6
RFP 5–10 75.5 75.8 1.5 50.0 91.7 2.9 80.0 66.9 1.2 99.3 7.0 0.5

Sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), and positive predictive values (PPV) are reported in percent (%). BMP, basic metabolic panel; CMP, complete metabolic panel; HFP, hepatic function panel; ONN, open neural network; OOP, optimal operating point; PNN, panel neural network; RFP, renal function panel.

Table S5

Open neural networks (ONN) performance

N analytes (range) Δt range (days) OOP Sn set to 0.5 Se set to 0.8 Classic
5–8 <1.5 80.3 84.5 2.5 50.0 97.4 8.7 80.0 84.0 2.4 82.4 78.6 1.9
5–8 1.5–2.5 74.2 81.7 2.0 50.0 94.1 4.1 80.0 75.4 1.6 83.8 62.5 1.1
5–8 2.5–3.5 77.0 72.4 1.4 50.0 91.9 3.0 80.0 67.8 1.2 84.4 52.2 0.9
5–8 3.5–5 69.1 75.5 1.4 50.0 87.9 2.0 80.0 63.7 1.1 84.4 45.9 0.8
5–8 5–10 71.5 73.4 1.3 50.0 88.4 2.1 80.0 63.7 1.1 84.8 40.3 0.7
9–12 <1.5 86.6 84.5 2.7 50.0 99.0 19.7 80.0 90.0 3.8 89.1 68.7 1.4
9–12 1.5–2.5 81.4 75.6 1.6 50.0 95.1 4.9 80.0 76.2 1.7 89.6 53.4 1.0
9–12 2.5–3.5 76.5 73.8 1.4 50.0 92.3 3.1 80.0 68.9 1.3 87.5 45.6 0.8
9–12 3.5–5 71.7 71.1 1.2 50.0 88.5 2.1 80.0 61.2 1.0 88.6 39.7 0.7
9–12 5–10 73.3 70.8 1.2 50.0 89.2 2.3 80.0 62.3 1.0 88.4 30.8 0.6
≥13 <1.5 90.4 88.9 3.9 50.0 99.5 35.5 80.0 95.7 8.5 93.7 64.7 1.3
≥13 1.5–2.5 83.6 85.1 2.7 50.0 98.3 12.7 80.0 87.1 3.0 94.3 44.7 0.8
≥13 2.5–3.5 80.3 77.2 1.7 50.0 95.5 5.2 80.0 76.3 1.7 93.9 34.5 0.7
≥13 3.5–5 74.5 77.5 1.6 50.0 93.3 3.6 80.0 71.0 1.4 93.6 29.1 0.7
≥13 5–10 74.6 73.3 1.4 50.0 91.5 2.9 80.0 66.9 1.2 93.8 26.1 0.6

Sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), and positive predictive values (PPV) are reported in percent (%). BMP, basic metabolic panel; CMP, complete metabolic panel; HFP, hepatic function panel; ONN, open neural network; OOP, optimal operating point; PNN, panel neural network; RFP, renal function panel.


The research project was possible due to the generous donation of an Nvidia Titan XP graphics processing unit as part of the GPU Research Grant (Nvidia, Santa Clara, California). In addition, this work was supported by the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.


Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned by the editorial office, Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine for the series “Patient Based Quality Control”. The article has undergone external peer review.

Conflicts of Interest: Both authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The series “Patient Based Quality Control” was commissioned by the editorial office without any funding or sponsorship. Mark Cervinski served as an unpaid Guest Editor of the series and serves as an unpaid editorial board member of Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine from May 2019 to April 2021. Dr. Jackson reports that the GPU used to perform the research was donated to him by NVIDIA as part of the NVIDIA GPU grant program.

Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. The institutional review board (IRB) at our institution determined that the project is not research involving human subjects as defined by our internal and FDA regulations. IRB review and approval by the organization is not required. The outcomes of the study will not affect the future management of the patients involved.

Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:


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doi: 10.21037/jlpm.2020.02.03
Cite this article as: Jackson CR, Cervinski MA. Development and characterization of neural network-based multianalyte delta checks. J Lab Precis Med 2020;5:10.

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